A Family That Loves Me

I’ve sent my son to school in a damp (wet) school t-shirt this morning because I forgot to put a ‘whites’ wash on which resulted in me standing with bated breath for the cycle to finish at 8.40am this morning…but that’s OK because I have my health, a home and family that loves me.

poop in my pants

I noticed as we walked hurriedly to school that the hem of his shorts has come unstitched and is hanging down over his knee with the loose threads blowing in the breeze…but that’s OK because I have my health, a home and a family that loves me.

listening to myself talk


I reassured my four-year old that the bird on the front lawn isn’t about to bite anyone because apart from the fact that it’s been dead for two days, it has no head, having been decapitated by our cat, no doubt…but that’s OK because I have my health, a home and a family that loves me.


We attempted a fun, family walk yesterday but gave up after six minutes when it started to drizzle and the kids had moaned about sore tummies, stones in shoes, being too hot, too cold and a relentless stream of: ‘Are we nearly there yet?’, ‘I don’t want to go for a walk’ ‘My legs are hurting’, ‘I’m tired!’, ‘I’m hungry!’, ‘I’m thirsty!’, ‘Can mummy not just go by herself?’, ‘Pepper’s tired’ (as the dog eagerly strains at the lead and pants with excitement)…but that’s OK because I have my health, a home and a family that loves me.


Our two-year old has two candles of green snot constantly dribbling from his nose that act as a natural fly paper for the dog’s fur, fluff, dust and other bits of debris…but that’s OK because I have my health, a home and a family that loves me.

how many glasses of wine

I showered the kids on Saturday morning, forgetting I’d need to cover them in pore-blocking sun cream.  That became the least of my worries when they then removed all the spoons from the kitchen drawer to enthusiastically dig in the soil for worms followed immediately by the eating of melting, sticky ice lollies…but that’s OK because I have my health, a home and a family that loves me.

glass and smoke

On Saturday afternoon our eight year old hurled himself at the paddling pool, tripped, fell and somehow managed to bite his own knee, making both his knee and his lip bleed (I know, quite impressive, really.  I bet he couldn’t do that again)…but that’s OK because I have my health, a home and a family that loves me.

kids gasoline thieves

We had a lovely sit down Sunday roast together to ‘bond’ as a family, to share anecdotes, laughter and many, MANY reminders to, ‘Eat with you mouth closed’, ‘Sit up properly at the table’, ‘Use your knife and fork, not your fingers!’, ‘Mind your drink’, ‘There’s no dessert if you don’t eat your tea’, ‘No, NOT one more, you’ve hardly touched it!’, ‘No, you can wait until everyone’s finished before you leave the table’, ‘We ARE NOT watching television whilst we eat’, ‘I don’t care that you were watching it, you’ve put it on to record, haven’t you?’, ‘No, don’t give it to Pepper.  SHE DOESN’T LIKE PARSNIPS!’, ‘You’ll go straight to bed if you don’t eat your tea’, ‘Am I ringing Father Christmas?’ (I know, a bit early but I was desperate)…but that’s OK because I have my health, a home and a family that loves me.

wine for dinner

We blitzed the house on Saturday and now there’s a line of wet, muddy footprints where the kids are coming in and out of the garden to fill buckets, watering cans and water pistols that they keep trying to squirt at me whenever I go into the garden armed with nappy sacks to do a ‘poo patrol’…but that’s OK because I have my health, a home and a family that loves me.



  1. Ah the joys… I smiled all the way through this as it’s so typical of family life!

  2. Biting own knee is indeed impressive! R hurt his thumb over the weekend but when he realised this meant a plaster, thereby rendering his thumb non-suckable, it was suddenly much better!

  3. It’s just as well we’re all completely clueless about kids before we have them!!

    A very funny post. Keep drinking the wine – it most definitely helps.

  4. i am so sorry i laughed all the way through as its like you have been watching video footage of our house! lol

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments

  5. This is so funny, I chuckled my way through it. All sooooo true!!

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