What a Difference a Day Makes

How much does a bit of sunshine change your perspective on the world?

Suddenly, the dog isn’t annoying, she’s just being ‘playful.’  Today, our three year old isn’t a bad tempered little sod, he’s just ‘willful’, probably an indication of his untapped genius.  Our youngest is just being ‘curious’; of course it’s not irritating to have to move him away from everything seventeen thousand times, he’s simply trying to explore the world he lives in!  And our two older boys don’t really argue as such, bless them, it’s just ‘friendly banter’.

Did I curse and call my husband names for not emptying the bin this morning as promised, even when I dripped bin juice down my leg and into my shoe when I did it?  Of course not!  I sent him an ironic text message, with not one, but TWO kisses on the end.

I’ve played on the trampoline with my children, showered them with kisses and cuddles and have lovingly made them Spaghetti Bolognese for tea.  And when they asked if they could help, did I snap at them that it was nearly ready and to stay away from the hot oven?  No, I’ve given the much more congenial response, ‘What, you want to help make tea?  Thank you, that would be lovely!’

Let’s just hope the sun is still shining tomorrow, otherwise I’ll be doing a Dr. Kelso in this clip from Scrubs… 🙂

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