
We went to Cumbria last weekend and on Saturday afternoon, my lovely, gorgeous friend, Wendy, had a flash of inspiration that we should escape husbands and children and actually go out shopping BY OURSELVES.  I know, radical, eh?

After four days of ‘normality’ (if you can call it that), it all feels like a distant memory or a dream, but if I remember rightly:

We strolled down the street linking arms and taking our time…instead of hurriedly dragging children by the hands or power walking with a buggy.

We tried clothes on in our own sweet time (NOT over jeans and with socks off AND EVERYTHING)…and without children pulling open the curtain, or offering items that are either hideous or the wrong size, or playing hide and seek between the clothes racks, or sighing loudly and saying they’re bored after thirty seconds.

We had FULL CONVERSATIONS, with a beginning, a middle and even – wait for it – AN END!  Yep, that’s right people, we managed to finish what we were saying WITHOUT BEING INTERRUPTED.  There wasn’t crying or screaming in the background, we didn’t have to take anyone but ourselves for a wee and we only talked about grown up stuff. (Not really.  But the point is we could have, if we’d wanted to).

We sat and drank a glass of wine…whilst it was still cold.  It didn’t get spilled, we sipped it and savoured the taste, instead of just drinking it to numb our senses and we didn’t have to balance it whilst chasing a wayward toddler.

Then…WE HAD ANOTHER ONE.  I know.  Get us.  We were out of the house, ON OUR OWN, for THREE HOURS.

TOTES AMAZEBALLS.  Happy Friday, everyone.  Have a great weekend 🙂

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