Autumn Cleaning

You know it’s time for a big sort out when…

  • You have approximately seventy two black socks in your drawer, none of them in pairs and only a third of them yours.
  • You have to put your three year old in four tops that the dog has chewed holes in before you find one that’s in a fit state to wear.
  • You keep finding statements for accounts that are from 2007.
  • You have to look through the cutlery drawer to find scissors, super glue, needle, thread and screwdrivers.
  • You’ve had a bag of charity stuff sitting in your porch for six months layered in another five charity bags that you’ve forgotten to put out.
  • You find a baby’s bottle in the cupboard that belonged to your seven year old.
  • Your husband hands you tops and underwear that he says ‘fell off the maiden’ into his pile of dirty washing (and you desperately hope that he’s telling the truth and hasn’t just developed a penchant for cross dressing).
  • Your children haven’t worn a matching pair of pyjamas so far this year because one half is always in the wash.
  • You still have sun cream sitting and waiting optimistically on your kitchen windowsill.
  • You buy a black, long sleeved top and then find three others when you’re hunting through the mound of ironing for something else…
  • …and discover other items of clothing that you haven’t worn for so long that they’ve gone out of fashion and then come back in again.
  • You have so much sorting out to do…that you avoid doing all of it and write a blog post instead 🙂
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