My Friends – The Rap

My friends:

Make me laugh ’til I wee,

Yap incessantlee,

Find time for me.

Ring me when I’m down,

Insist that I don’t frown,

Enjoy clownin’ aroun(d).

Nice people, not frog(s),

Dance and drink grog and…

Support my online blog.

Thanks everyone for your ongoing support.  Don’t think rhyming is my forte so this will be the first and last time you’ll ever see anything resembling poetry on here 😀





  1. Def think on Friday there will be a Britains got talent style audition, with you in baseball hat, bling, poss could bring pepper (aka scary staff). I want to see this rap!!!! Make sure you shave your arm pits girl!!!!!( PS bagsy being Amanda ) 🙂

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