Male Planet

I think they should bring out a series similar to Frozen Planet called Male Planet, studying the unique behaviour of our other halves.  For example, they could film men ‘looking’ for things and it would probably go something like this (hushed David Attenborough voice):

‘And here we see the male of the species trying to find his car keys.  He chooses the unusual method of standing stationary in the centre of the room, scanning it for a couple of seconds with a puzzled look on his face.  You will in fact see that his keys are actually within his reach, only slightly obscured by an ornamental cat, and if the male moved a few centimeters to his right they would be directly within his eyeline, and yet it does not occur to him to do this.

Any moment now, we will see and hear him shout upstairs and tell the female of the species that he cannot find his keys…Yes, as predicted, the female has left her task of cleaning the bathroom and, once downstairs and using the far more effective method of walking through the room, moving items of furniture as necessary, spots and retrieves the keys within seconds.

On this occasion, catastrophe has been averted, as luckily the female was nearby.  If the hunted for item had been food and the female had not been in close proximity, the male would almost certainly have starved to death.’

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